Dear readers,
I would like to welcome you in a small world of my own - my blog dedicated to music. To be more specific - to where the tiny little figures produce the great sounds of music - you have no doubt understood that I'm referring to music scores. The reason for such focused attention on this very small part of the music industry lies in its limited character: the less there, the more it's in demand.
Judging from my music teaching practice, students are in constant need of some worthy materials in times of music scores. And, surprisingly, with such a great amount of various music resources, it's still quite complicated at times to stumble upon some decent music sheets, of both professional and educational character. This is what pushed me into starting some blog like that where I would be able to spot-and-share music files, notes, descriptions and any other useful stuff to help out those who got lost in the digital sphere of music. As a teacher, I feel the responsibility for my students to get a good training, whether in class or out-of-class. However, I would be glad if all other possible readers find a useful grain in my blog.