Friday, April 20, 2012

Addicted by Moody

Does being a milk addict make you moody? My friend said she read it in a book but idont know if its true. Is it?

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How doe you know when someone is addicted to Codeine or percoset? My boyfriend drives a truck for a living. He chews around 10 Tylenol 3 to stay awake, and has recently been prescribed Percoset. Over the past few months he has become very moody, quick to anger. Is it possble for him to be addicted?
tylenol 3's do not help you stay awake. they have codeine in them and yes, codeine is very addictive. if he is taking ten a day, this is more than is prescribed and yes, he without a doubt has a problem. coffee helps you stay awake, not codeine or percoset, they are pain killers, and have a tendency to put people asleep because they are downers. your guy definitely has a problem, don't let him tell you otherwise. he should discuss these issues with his doctor and tell his doctor the truth in how much and what kind of medication he is taking.

I'm sorry but yes codeine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone give myself and many people energy. It is a side effect for some people. As drowsiness is an effect for some people. Look it up. Yes he is probably addicted even though Tylenol 3's a very very weak. Taking 6 tylenol 3's equal taking 1 percoset or vicodin. I dealt with vicodin addiction for a few years. I am no longer physically addicted to them but let me tell you it is no fun. It's best if he stops while he can or at least takes them as prescribed. I did get moody and angered quick during my addiction also.

My husband is addicted to marijuana and very moody, is the mood swings normal.i don't work right now and a I am in school full time and won't get my degree until May.any advice?Thank you so much for everyones input. I never knew marijuana caused so many problems. I do plan on getting my degree and leaving him, right now it's just hard to get through especially being out of school for the summer. We do have kids, just not together but they have no idea about the pot, my daughter just knows that dad is mean to mom some times. She's 12 and we talk a lot, so I really think she would say something if she knew. I just hate finding it in my house and cars. When I do I throw it away. Again thank you.
keep him stoned, he wont be moody unless he is out..then when your ready, leave him if thats what you desire to do..good luck

yes, mood swings are a big side effect of smoking pot. i'm sorry. let me know if there is anything i can do, even if you just wanna chat. my yahoo messenger is aebird. i'm in the same situation.

I left my ex for being that same way. Smoking pot, to me is childish and retarded so just leave the dumb ass after u graduate!

Your husband is a true pot-head and obviously addictedTell him to get some help or you will be finishing school and seeking a divorce attorney


Yes, mood swings, and other abnormal things will occur if he doesn't get help to prevent them. My ex even got to the point of not being able to do anything in the bedroom. He had to start using other things to take care of that, but it was with someone else. So, do what you can to have him stop, but take care of yourself and kids if there are any first and foremost.

Ok my ex was just like your husband and let me tell you he did get moody and although statistic show that marijuanna is not addictive it is pyscollogiacally addictve and if there isnt a fix for the day they get moody and angry. It also could be that you are so much around oneanother right now because you dont work and are going to school. If you think he has a major problem ask him to get help. There are many places that can treat him or test him for mental impairment,and anger control issues.

drop him! that is the last thing you need1 you are going to school full time and you are married to someone who smokes marijuana! and unless u think that u can handle being with him then stay

One effect pot has is making the person have manic depressive like mood swings. Often, they can become violent. For example, the son of a woman I used to date, once tried to stab her with a knife after he started smoking pot.Don't be fooled by the drug dealers who lie about pot. It's actually quite dangerous to use. I've seen it cause everything from depression to schizophrenia (I worked community mental health for a number of years) and alot of violent episodes in people. It's the number one drug people seek treatment for addiction for. There are alot of people who are mentally ill or live a criminal lifestyle, solely because of pot. Since this sort of thing is widespread, people who say differently are just liars.

My husband smokes to and he is the same way it is normal for someone who smokes the green. So my advice is the same i gave myself you do your thing and let him do his if he ends up in the gutter oh well at least you will have your degree and what will he have? A habit that he can't afford and no one who really cares.

maybe its time to talk to your husband. and let things work out. be patient you will get your degree soon . good luck

My advice would be to leave him. I am assuming you don't have any kids.The mood swings are normal, and could be a symptom of excess drug use or could be a symptom of another problem. He may or may not be capable of doing something dangerous to you, but if his use of marijuana continues the same way there is no future for you and him together. You should discuss this with a parent, a pastor or a friend you can trust. You should also be very honest with yourself and how you feel. There are many things to consider. Will you be able to continue in school? Is he at all interested in stopping? How much do you love him and how much does he love you? There is no one simple answer, but I would definitely consider leaving him even if it is only temporarily until he can straighten out his life.Good luck.

he may be using the marijuana for self medicating himself. many people that have depression or other disorders . frequently do this to make themselves feel better

Get pot head to get a job and stop fogging up his brain to escape the reality of life. Moody? Hey have you considered leaving him? Lots of people work and go to school full time. Get your priorities straight."smoker" is not doing you any favors.

once a pothead always a pothead,hes burning what brains he has left,get out of that situation you dont need the shit and abuse.